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Reversible Stair Ramp

The RSR consists of 3 stairs of 3 cm. (1.2 in.) that can convert to a moderate slope by pulling an handle.

DST8000 with RSR

Benefits of the RSR:

  • Enables patient having difficulties handling the regular DST's slope to access the DST using a moderate slope.

  • Allows practicing walking on a slope surface.

  • Adds 3 additional small stairs to the DST creating a full 7 staircase flight to mount on.

  • Enable patients having difficulties handling slopes, to practice on the DST without walking on a slope surface.

General information:

  • The DST comes with a standard slope of 60 cm. (23.6 Inch) long and of 12 degrees of incline.

  • The RSR is 90 cm. (35.5 Inch) long and have an incline of 8 degrees.

  • The RSR can be purchased separately and assembled to the DST by the customer.


Regular DST Slope
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